In my project titled "Adama," I explore the roots of the Hebrew word for "human," which traces back to "Adam" in the biblical creation narrative. This term originates from the fusion of "Adama," Hebrew for earth, and "dam," signifying blood. This symbolism represents the human creation from "earth, blood, and flesh."
Inspired by the Adam and Eve story, my art delves into the profound connection between the human body and the elements of the earth. It serves as a visual representation of our shared creation, emphasizing the inherent unity between ourselves and the earth.​​​​​​​
In my project titled "Adama," I explore the roots of the Hebrew word for "human," which traces back to "Adam" in the biblical creation narrative. This term originates from the fusion of "adama," Hebrew for earth, and "dam," signifying blood. This symbolism represents the human creation from "earth, blood, and flesh."  Inspired by the Adam and Eve story, my art delves into the profound connection between the human body and the elements of the earth. It serves as a visual representation of our shared creation, emphasizing the inherent unity between ourselves and the earth.

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